The Lost Boys in San Diego

Story of the Lost Boys

Ninety-eight Lost Boys arrived in San Diego, direct from Kakuma Refugee Campin northern Kenya. The Episcopal Refugee Network supported them on arrival and helped them obtain apartments and to become capable of moving within the necessary registration procedures.
Small grants for buying books are annually made available to the Lost Boys and to boys and girls from refugee families graduating from area high schools and studying at community and four-year colleges.
"One night, after the blazing sun settled behind the fields and the villages became still with sleep, the troops invaded Santino'stown. Gunfire jolted families from bed. Parents and children spilled from their mud huts, running in opposite directions under the charcoal sky. A swift and limber boy who tended his family's herds, Santino – and hundreds of boys like him – ran until the gunshots faded to faint clicks. As the boys ran, the soldiers killed their fathers. As they ran, the soldiers captured their sisters and mothers, and burned their villages."(Lost in America; The San Diego Union-Tribune, San Diego,California; December 16, 2001; Kirsten Green)
Copyright © Episcopal Refugee Network of San Diego 2019